
The teaching of Physics at all levels must be based on experiment and exploration. Virtual labs prove valuable for distance education the course. The present work has as its object of study the investigation of the readiness of the prospective Primary Education teachers for the distance education of the Physics course. 134 students of the Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina participated in the research that was carried out. The questionnaire completed by the students consists of thirty-five multiple-choice, closed-ended questions. According to the results, it seems that, in general, the students, although they are largely familiar with the computer and the internet, do not know how to use the platforms and digital tools to teach a Physics course remotely. However, they are largely familiar with the computer and the internet but do not know how to use the platforms and digital tools to teach a Physics course remotely. Finally, most students consider that they are moderately prepared to face a distance education in Physics.


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